Stay home. Gladly.

Who needs to go away for a summer vacation? Travel restrictions may be hampering your annual trip to the mountains or beach, but you can get still away in spirit. Muddle the lines between work and home a bit more. Go ahead and set an out of office message on your email, just don’t set your alarm clock. This way you allow yourself to have a vacation schedule even if waking up in your own bedroom. Have a little reminder like the Hauskaa Cottage on your nightstand to remind you of vacations past when you first wake up and when you crawl into bed at the end of the day.

See if you can recreate for yourself that extravagant lightness and breathing room that you usually feel when you’re away. How can you do that? Linger over a book, make an extra special lunch, or take a low-key day trip to that historic site you always meant to visit. 

Spending extended time at home might allow boredom to set in. Why not try refreshing your décor? You’ll have a task to set your mind on, and the result will be a welcoming change. Get creative and look at all the places you could add Hauskaa houses in your home to provide you a reminder of cherished visits to the countryside or holidays spent with family and friends. 

There is no guarantee that a staycation will top the charts of your “best vacation ever.” Your deck likely doesn’t measure up to the lakefront. But you can get some good time off that provides a very needed mental, emotional, and physical break from the daily grind.


A home is comfort.